Whether your looking for a relaxing warm massage or a warm deep tissue massage, we customise your massages to suit your needs. All massages reduce muscle tension, improves circulation, stimulates the lymphatic system, reduces the stress hormone, offers deep relaxation, increases joint mobility and flexibility, improves recovery of soft tissue injuries, help alleviate depression, reduces anxiety, helps chronic aches and pains, Lowers hight blood pressure and is great for relaxation.
A hot stone massage is a type of massage therapy. That helps you to relax and ease tense muscles and damaged soft tissue throughout your body. The stones are made of a basalt, a type of volcanic rock that retains heat.
Bamboo is considered a powerful healing tool in China, Japan and Indonesia. Bamboo still symbolises life, energy, prosperity, longevity and fertility in these cultures. The hot bamboo cane is able to give a deeper, firmer massage, and is held by the therapist and rolled over the muscle. Hands are also used to give a more complete feeling to the massage.
A healing massage seeks to release emotional trauma such as stress, anxiety and depression, through a combination of physical and energy movement utilising reiki and breathing therapy. A healing massage is recommended for any who is experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, lack of clarity and emotional issues.
A head massage releives stress and reduces tension. It may also ease headache and migraine pain, lower blood pressure, improve circulation to your head and neck, and promote hair growth.
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